Church Partnerships

A unique aspect of serving through Partners in Christ (PIC) is the opportunity to forge meaningful partnerships with local churches, pastors, communities, and sometimes schools. God not only calls us to share the Gospel with others but also to disciple them and build relationships. Lives are transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit, as team members are chosen to touch the lives of individuals brought together by divine providence.

By partnering with the same area for ongoing service, team members can witness and guide a new Christian's growth in their faith, observe the development of families, and see the expansion of churches as more and more community members join the family of believers. These long-term relationships and partnerships have proven to be incredibly fruitful over the years.

Pastor Training and Support

The dedicated pastors we collaborate with through PIC exemplify unwavering devotion to the Lord and their communities. They persistently visit families, conduct services, and champion the needs of their members within the community. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to support them each month by organizing a pastors' gathering, worship session, and shared meal at the PIC Mission House.

These valuable moments of training and camaraderie fortify the pastors' expertise, supply them with essential pastoral and Bible study resources, and bolster their determination to serve the Lord, even during the most exhausting and sweltering days when the fruits of their labor appear scarce and challenging to gather. Our team pastors frequently impart their knowledge and skills to these pastors during these meetings, fostering robust, fraternal connections that endure as they collectively serve the Lord over the years.

Feeding Programs

In our partnerships with churches in underprivileged communities, we frequently encounter immense physical needs among the people. The demands are seemingly endless, and we strive to provide assistance wherever possible, utilizing the resources God has graciously provided. We have identified a pressing need for adequate nutrition for children in several of our communities. Often, their breakfast consists of nothing more than a dry tortilla and coffee, followed by rice and beans for lunch, and sometimes no dinner at all.

Recognizing the vital importance of proper nutrition for growth and learning, we have been able to offer nourishing meals to numerous children in these communities through our partnered churches. Our feeding programs nurture the children's bodies and spirits, enabling us to teach the Bible to hundreds of young learners each day and subsequently opening doors for their grateful families to hear the gospel.

At merely 15 cents per day to feed a child, the cost is minimal, but the need is tremendous. We kindly ask you to consider supporting these invaluable programs and help make a lasting impact on these children's lives.